One of the most important issues in all discipline is measuring progress of works. In some disciplines there are just some documents which must be issued according to the project MDR (Master Document register) so they called Deliverable but in some discipline like  the piping discipline, there are some Non-Deliverable jobs like 3D modeling.

For the Deliverable documents, progress can be measured by status of issued documents for example if the first issue of a document submit to the client %60 progress has been achieved, and for other issues progress goes through %100.

For Non-Deliverable, progress measurement is the big problem in all project and normally it has been generated periodically by someone in the team. In some project, they use MS Excel to collect which task has been done on each line numbers and according to this files, line numbers will be sent to Stress analysis team and then for Support team and finally issuing Isometric Drawings.


The main concept of Engineering section or iDEES is the Progress measurement & recording history of all activities done by all users. In iDEES when a user do a task on a Line Number, it must be inserted into the iDEES as a New Piping Task and iDEES has so many tools to generate all kind of Progress Reports and Job Front for Piping discipline.

As well as Piping discipline, other disciplines can use iDEES independently or in conjunction with each other.

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