Delete Tables' Data
By this tool, Admin is able to delete some data in the iDEES. The following snapshot shows selection form after a confirmation on Admin password:
Method 1 :
By this method, Admin can delete all data that is time dependent like all tasks in the iDEES. By this method, after a confirmation on name of tables, all records in the following tables will be deleted. This will permanently delete all records.
It is strongly recommended to use this method just for a new project or with backed-up project and after deletion Admin must compact iDEES for better performance.
In both methods, all temporary tables will be purged as well.
List of Tables to delete data:
Active Assigned Task |
tqAsBuiltCommentR |
mrRTC |
CheckListIsometric |
tblChangeTrackerArch |
tblMessageArch |
Equipment Tasks |
Line List BeforeChangeArch |
PDMS Config Table |
ISO Index |
Equipment List BeforeChangeArch |
PDMS Sites |
Piping Tasks |
Spec List BeforeChangeArch |
PDMS Specs |
Structure Tasks |
Vendor Document List BeforeChangeArch |
Document TasksArch |
AutoCAD Text Insert Circle Temp |
mrDocument Tasks |
General TasksArch |
AutoCAD Text Insert Rectangle Temp |
tqRRTQ |
Spec TasksArch |
Equipment List Temp |
tqTQ |
Line List Temp |
Line List Temp |
tqAsBuiltComment |
mrTechnical Clarifications |
ISO Rev Temp |
Spec List Temp |
mrOffers |
Structure List Temp |
Support Material DESCRIPTION Temp |
PDMS Bolt |
PDMS Des Attrib |
PDMS DiaInch MTO |
PDMS Review Temp Table |
PDMS List |
PDMS OffSpec |
PDMS PCFdata |
PDMS Pipes Final |
PDMS Zones |
PDMS Review Temp Table |
PDMS Spec Attrib |
LogErrorArch |
PDMS Types |
mrDocumentTasksArch |
AutoCAD Batch Plot temp |
Project Actual ProgressArch |
tqRTQ |
Project PlanningArch |
Delete Name Temp |
tqAsBuilt |
Tender MTO |
AutoCAD Text Insert temp |
Archive Assigned Task |
tblBackups |
Piping TasksArch |
Document Tasks |
Project Revision Steps |
Structure TasksArch |
General Tasks |
Document List BeforeChangeArch |
MOM Table |
Missed Component |
General Tasks List BeforeChangeArch |
Document List Temp |
Program Options |
Structure List BeforeChangeArch |
General Tasks List Temp |
Support MTO |
AutoCAD Block Insert temp |
Revise Name Temp |
Equipment TasksArch |
After clicking the button the below message will be shown to grant last confirmation :
Method 2 :
By this method Admin can delete all records in the project both for historical and non historical. This method is useful when Admin make a new Project (see Make New Project) and wants to purge all data and make a empty/fresh project. Like method 1, this will permanently delete all records too, so it is strongly recommended to use this method just for a new project or with backed-up project and after deletion Admin must compact iDEES for better performance.
List of Tables to delete data in Method 2:
Active Assigned Task |
Archive Assigned Task |
Document List BeforeChangeArch |
AttDocument |
AttDocumentTemp |
General Tasks List BeforeChangeArch |
Change Management Table |
CheckListAll |
Structure List BeforeChangeArch |
CheckListIsometric |
Common Procedure Table |
AutoCAD Block Insert temp |
Document Tasks |
Document TasksArch |
AutoCAD Text Insert temp |
Equipment Tasks |
Equipment TasksArch |
Document List Temp |
Filters |
General Tasks |
General Tasks List Temp |
General TasksArch |
Instrument Index Table |
Revise Name Temp |
ISO Index |
IsoRevCloudCoordinates |
Spec List Temp |
Item Code List |
Line List Temp |
Support Material DESCRIPTION Temp |
LogErrorArch |
Master Documents files |
PDMS DiaInch MTO |
Missed Component |
MOM Table |
PDMS OffSpec |
mrDocument Tasks |
mrDocumentTasksArch |
PDMS Pipes Final |
mrOffers |
mrRTC |
PDMS Spec Attrib |
mrSuppliers |
mrTechnical Clarifications |
PDMS Bolt |
PDMS Bran Mem |
Project Actual ProgressArch |
PDMS Config Table |
PDMS Pipes |
Delete Name Temp |
PDMS Review Temp Table |
PDMS Sites |
Equipment List BeforeChangeArch |
PDMS Specs |
Spec List BeforeChangeArch |
PDMS Zones |
Vendor Document List BeforeChangeArch |
PDMSSpecTemp |
Piping Material Index |
AutoCAD Text Insert Circle Temp |
Piping Tasks |
Piping TasksArch |
AutoCAD Text Insert Rectangle Temp |
Program Options |
Spec Tasks |
Equipment List Temp |
Spec TasksArch |
Structure Tasks |
Line List Temp |
Structure TasksArch |
Support MTO |
ISO Rev Temp |
Support MTO Index |
tblMessageArch |
Structure List Temp |
tqContractors |
tqRRTQ |
PDMS Des Attrib |
tqRTQ |
tqTQ |
PDMS List |
Document List |
Equipment List |
PDMS PCFdata |
Line List |
mrDocument List |
PDMS Review Temp Table |
Spec List |
Structure List |
PDMS Types |
Support Materials Unit W/A |
tqAsBuilt |
AutoCAD Batch Plot temp |
tqAsBuiltComment |
tqAsBuiltCommentR |
Project PlanningArch |
tblBackups |
tblChangeTrackerArch |
Tender MTO |
Project Revision Steps |
Line List BeforeChangeArch |
After clicking the button the below message will be shown to grant last confirmation :
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