This is a useful tool which is developed in the iDEES to do some actions on the a bulk amount of files.

The following snapshot shows this facility :

By default this form can be used to generate a list of files in the folder with any type. The below table describe all buttons and fields in this form:


User can write or Copy & Paste here address of the mentioned folder.


By this button user can use windows Open Folder common dialog to select desired folder path as an alternative of    1   .


Here user can specify any desired type that he/she needs to see on the list box   7   .



By this option, user can specify that iDEES, list all files in the main root of folder plus all subdirectories inside the folder.


By this option, user can specify that iDEES, list all files plus all hidden files inside the folder.


By this option, user can specify that iDEES, use full path of file instead of just file name.


After using   1   or   2   , all files in the main root of folder will be listed in this list box.


After selecting folder and specifying all options, the number of file will be shown to user here.


By default this form loads for exporting list of files, but by this option user can change the functionality as a renaming facility. When this option is selected, user can all files which is listed in the list box   7   .


When user select option   9   , then this field will be enabled to specify any characters or word which must be replaced with another set of characters which is specified in the filed  11  .


When user select option   9   , then this field will be enabled to specify any characters or word which are replacement of the filed  10  .


In this filed user can specify any path to create a copy of renamed files there. If user does not put any path here, files will be renamed in their current location, but if it is specified, all files remain intact and files will be copied in the mentioned path then will be renamed there and user have all original files safe.


This button just allow user to specify a destination folder as described in the  12  easily by using Open folder Windows Common Dialog.


Like option   9   , this option also turn the functionality of form to another one. When user tick this option, he/she can combine all selected file (any Text file with any extension) into one file.


By this option, by default, iDEES will show combining resulted file in default text viewer in the windows.


This is main button in this form which have 3 functionality which described above and normally for each of which, the face of it will be changed to show user current functionality. All functionalities are as follows:

: Default action which is generate a text file contains a list file files which are shown in the list box   7   .

: Second action which is rename and move to another folder (if specified), all files which are shown in the list box   7   .

: Third action which is combine all files (if they are naturally TEXT file with any extension) which are shown in the list box   7   into one combined text file.

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