Procurement Section
Procurement Section is the second developed section in the iDEES. This section does many things in the engineering services to Procurement department for piping and also for other disciplines.
Procurement Section is one of the very few commercially developed systems designed specifically for the purpose of managing the receipt and review of Vendor offers & Data on major engineering and construction projects, primarily in the resources sector.
By defining vendor data requirements in terms of offers, technical clarifications and replied technical clarifications, the expediting of vendor bid is completely controlled, ensuring that submissions are monitored prior to the occurrence of any delays that may affect the design schedule.
On receipt, vendor submissions (offers or documents) are effortlessly distributed for internal (and if required, external) review ensuring contractual obligations are met.
An extensive set of expediting tools & reports enable management to quickly see:
o Submissions due in the next X days.
o Submissions received but not distributed.
o Submissions under review and within X days of return to vendor.
o Submissions reviewed and awaiting response to vendor.
o Responses to vendors overdue.
Procurement Section reduces the risk of design delays caused by the in-effective management of vendor data.
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