
Related Form/Report (& everywhere else)


Tag No.

Equipment Details Form

Name or tag number of related equipment

Test Medium

Piping Line Details Form

Is the fluid like water or oil for hydrostatic test and air or nitrogen or other gases for pneumatic test

Test Pressure

Piping Line Details Form

The test pressure shall be determined by the working pressure. This shall be a minimum 1.5 x maximum working pressure if not otherwise specified in applied codes and standards.

Source: NOGEPA Industrial Guideline No. 43, Surface BOP Review, Best Practices Checklist, Netherlands, Version 0, December 2011


Piping Line Details Form

The ending of the line number which can be found form the P&IDs


Piping Line Details Form

Toxicity or hazardous property of fluid

TR Date

Document Details Form

Transmittal Issue date (It can be Latest Sent Transmittal issue date)


Document Details Form

Transmittal Number (It can be Latest Sent Transmittal No)

Trace Hold Temp.(Tracing Hold Temperature)

Piping Line Details Form

Or Maintaining Pipe Temperature or Maintenance Temperature

By selecting the proper Tracing Types and controls, a maintenance temperature  system can maintain the temperature of the fluid in a pipe to the desired level, over a broad range of temperatures, depending on the need dictated by the particular process or application.

Tracer No.(Tracer Number)

Piping Line Details Form

In heat tracing by a fluid, usually one, two, three or more small tubes or pipes will be used

Tracer Size

Piping Line Details Form

In heat tracing by a fluid, the size of each small tube or pipe is specified as tracer size

Tracing Type

Piping Line Details Form

 Heat-tracing systems can be divided into two broad classes, electric and fluid. Fluid heat-tracing systems utilize heating media at elevated temperatures to transfer heat to a pipeline. The fluid is usually contained in a tube or a small pipe attached to the pipe being traced. If steam is the tracing fluid, the condensate is either returned to the boiler or dumped. If an organic heat-transfer fluid is employed, it is returned to a heat exchanger for reheating and recirculation. In general, heating of tracing fluids can be provided by waste heat from a process stream, burning of fossil fuels, steam, or electricity.

Electric heat-tracing systems convert electric power to heat and transfer it to the pipe and its contained fluid. The majority of commercial electric heat-tracing systems in use today are of the resistive type and take the form of cables placed on the pipe. When current flows through the resistive elements, heat is produced in proportion to the square of the current and the resistance of the elements to current flow. Other specialized electric tracing systems make use of impedance, induction, and skin conduction effects to generate and transfer heat.

Trim of Valves

Piping Class Details Form

It specifies type or material of trim of Valves in the mentioned class. The internal elements of a valve are collectively referred to as a valve's trim.

According to API Standards 600, "Steel Gate Valve-Flanged and Butt-welding Ends, Bolted Bonnets", the trim consists of stem, seating surface in the body, gate seating surface, bushing or a deposited weld for the backseat and stem hole guide, and small internal parts that normally contact the service fluid, excluding the pin that is used to make a stem-to-gate connection (this pin shall be made of an austenitic stainless steel material).

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