This tool is very useful to generate Weight Report for a list of Line Numbers in the PDMS/E3D.
For this report in iDEES or PDMS/E3D, all components and tubes must have Component Data (CMPD) and Tube Data (TUBD) as a CMPREF (Component Reference) in their SPEC. In the CMPD, the main attribute is Cweight which is the unit wight of component. (For more details, refer to the PDMS/E3D Help)
To generate Weight Report in the PDMS/E3D, there are some tools and the most applicable one is ‘Mass Properties’. In the iDEES, ‘Weight Report’ tool is a subgroup of AVEVA Utilities Form so user can select desired Lines from PDMS/E3D by using iDEES Line List and Iso Index.