Materials Compatibility Form
This tool is just a database for compatibility of some materials pairwise, one as Body Material and another as Fluid Material.
Over 14,200 combinations of gases and liquids are displayed with their affect on various materials. Just Select Fluid Material or Environmental material from Left list and then Body (Pipe,Valve, Vessel,...) Material from right list and see the result in the below.
In both side, there is small search facility (shown as ) to search each list instantly. After selecting materials in both side, the result of compatibility will be shown at the bottom of the form.
This database is not for material selection at all, it is just for a rough checking or a check just for information.
The following snapshot shows this form:
button in the header of the form is for adding new record or deleting an existing one or making any modification on them. See here for more detail. If user wants to edit existing record, he/she must select both material in both side then press this button to open Materials Compatibility Modification Form .
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write eBooks for the Kindle