Originators is shown in the following snapshot:




The concept of originators differs from an organization to another one. In some organizations, all lines must be owned by designers, and all stress analysis jobs must be owned by stress mans, and also for the supporting, all support mans must own their lines. So from the beginning of the project through to end, all aspect of Design, Stress & Support of a Line Number are related to a User.

Ownership of Lines for Design & Support can be according to Key Plans , Plot Plans or P&ID's or can be based on seniority of users and critical status of Lines.

Ownership of Lines for Stress can be according to Job Numbers. Each job number done by one user, so he/she is the Originator of that job and all of its lines as well.

Design & Support Originators are not mandatory but Stress is. So in the small project which have for example one stress man, Stress originator of all lines must be filed up by its User name.

All originators fields can be selected from iDEES Users List, but they are not limited to those and user can write down any name he/she likes.

Note: This part is just for 'Piping Line Details Form' and it is not considered in other details form.

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