This tool is very useful to clash check a list of Line Numbers in the PDMS/E3D. To check clash of a PIPE in PDMS/E3D, the following tool can be used:

In the iDEES, 'Piping Clash Check' tool is a subgroup of AVEVA Utilities Form so user can select desired Lines from PDMS/E3D by using iDEES Line List and Iso Index.

The following snapshot shows main buttons in this tool :

Clash Check of Selected PIPE : This button is used to start checking of clashes of selected Lines. When user select Lines from AVEVA Utilities Form ,by this key, iDEES begins checking and after finalizing, a summarized report will be shown to user for all selected lines to show status of all lines.

 Open Folder of Reports : This button can be used to open folder of report. iDEES generates a full report for all lines which can be seen in the output folder.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: What is a Help Authoring tool?