When iDEES create PCF files from tool 'Export AVEVA To CAESAR II', the next step is import those files into CAESAR II as a stress analysis software. In the CAESAR II, there is a tool like below snapshot which is in version 2014:

When user press 'Import PCF', following form will be appeared:

After conversion, C2 file will be generated in the same path of PCFs. Then user can open the C2 file to see imported 3d model into the CAESAR II.

Generated C2 file, contains all RIGID elements with weight extracted from PDMS/E3D (1kg if in no weight property available in PDMS/E3D) and all elements will be in same positions(exact coordinate with acceptable rounding) as PDMS/E3D.


Change any of the options listed under Conversion Options, as needed.

Condense Rigids 

Instructs the software to combine rigids that connect to each other into a single element.

This indicates whether these items should be condensed/merged into adjacent elements. For example, a valve with adjacent gaskets and flanges would be combined into a single rigid element.

If activated, then elements are condensed/merged unless there is a valid reason not to (change of cross section, change of operating conditions, restraint at the location, and so forth).

The default value is TRUE.

Condense Tees 

When set to TRUE, this directive instructs the software NOT to treat tees as three elements but instead condense them to a single node. The SIF is applied at the tee node. The use of the three elements allows pipe properties of the tee to differ from the attached piping.

The default value is TRUE.

Condense Elbows 

Controls whether the software treats elbows as two designated elements. When set to TRUE, this directive instructs the software NOT to treat elbows as two designated elements. Rather, it is condensed into its adjacent elements for each direction in which the elbow travels.

The default value is TRUE.

Use Pipe Materials Only 

Instructs the software to apply pipe materials only as defined by the PCF COMPONENT-ATTRIBUTE3 identifiers.

Activating this option replaces the material of various components (elbows, valves, flanges, reducers, tees, and so forth) with the appropriate piping material, where possible, leading to a much more homogeneous CAESAR II model. Matching components to their corresponding piping material is done by assembling a matrix of Pipe Spec/diameter combinations, based the available data transmitted in the PCF. Where an exact match is available, the material substitution is made. Where piping materials are available for the Pipe Spec but not the diameter, a match is made to the closest diameter. Where no piping material is available for the Pipe Spec, the component material is retained. For example, A106 Grade B would be applied but A234 Grade WPB would be ignored.

NOTE: If you choose to condense Rigids, Tees, or Elbows, set Use Pipe Materials Only to TRUE.

Combine PCF Files 

Converts and combines PCFs in the dialog box into a single CAESAR II model. You are prompted for the name of the combined CAESAR II file.

NOTE: When you merge multiple PCFs into a single CAESAR II model using Combine PCF Files, line numbers are assigned based on the originating PCF name.

Model Rotation 

The rotation of the +X-axis of the CAESAR II model should be rotated about the vertical axis away from the PCF's East compass point. The default setting is zero, which imposes no rotation. Select +90 to rotate the model a positive 90-degrees. Select -90 to rotate the model a negative 90-degrees.

NOTE: Z can also be vertical based on special execution setting.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can rotate the model after importing it to CAESAR II. Use the Rotate command on the Block Operations toolbar.

Diameter Limit 

Use this to exclude the processing of small pipes, such as vents and drains, by specifying the size (nominal diameter) below which pipes will be ignored. Enter a diameter limit of -1.000 to include all pipe sizes that you want to import into CAESAR II.

Material Number 

Select the CAESAR II material to be assigned to components which do not have the material attribute explicitly set otherwise.

The default is low carbon steel (material number 1).

Pipe Schedule/Wall Thickness

Select the default schedule of the pipe to be used in case the wall thickness of the pipe cannot be determined from the PCF.

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