This tool is very useful to export required data from PDMS/E3D into the PCF files which is a format that CAESAR II can read and import.
In the iDEES, 'Export AVEVA To CAESAR II' tool is a subgroup of AVEVA Utilities Form so user can select desired Lines from PDMS/E3D by using iDEES Line List and Iso Index.
The following snapshot shows main buttons in this tool :
Retrieve Piping Data : By this key, user can collect required data for the selected lines (AVEVA Utilities Form)
Separate Files For Each Line : By this option, iDEES create a new file for each selected line. The output path is defined in the AVEVA Configuration Form.
: shows the following help. For more detail see How To Use PCF File
One File For All Selected Lines : By this option, iDEES create ONE file for all selected lines. The output path is requested from user here.
Export PCF File : By this key and two above option, iDEES generate PCF file(s) for the selected lines in the specified path.
To use exported PCF file in the CAESAR II , see How To Use PCF File
Note 1: Regarding support attachments, user must note, all attachments with ATTYPE like [CCCC, CCNN, FLOW, XXXX, SSSS, INPP, PENI] will not be imported as support in the CAESAR II and others(real supports) will be set like a rest in direction UP.
Note 2: Weight of elements will be gathered from AVEVA PDMS/E3D and for those that do not have any Component Reference (CWeight) , weight will be set to 1KG (2.20462 lbs). Weight in the PCF files has been reported in Pounds (LBS) unit as an internal units used in CAESAR II.
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