New Piping Task Form:

This form help users to create new task for piping line numbers or to see and modify previous tasks. This kind of forms shows all related tasks so users must be careful for any changes on others' tasks.

The following snapshot shows this form:




User Name * : It filled up by Login user name by default, but it can be changed by drop down.

Assigned To* : Line Number must be selected here. It shows a full list of lines in the Project Line List (which is imported previously). Line Numbers can be copy & paste or type here(Filtered by typing)


The Detail-Button button will be activated when user select a Line Number and the by clicking it, related Detail Form will be shown and user can see there, all required data like general, task history,... . (See here)


Task Title* : All tasks which are specified previously by Lead Engineer and Admin, can be selected here. These tasks shows the whole break downs on each lines from start (For ex. 'preliminary Study') to End (For Ex. 'Approve For Construction') and also all change tasks which generate reworks.(To define or modification see here)


Default Task Titles for Line Numbers are as follows (This list can be modified according to the Customer's requirements, see here):


 Line Numbers Task Title

Route Study

Primary Route Finalizing

Cross Checking By Another Designer

Revised after PID Change(D3)

Primary Clash Check

Iso Generation

Revised after Review Comment

Primary Stress Modeling

Stress Analysis

Stress Analysis Checking & Finalizing

Support Selecting

Support Modeling

Support Checking

Pre Iso Checking for First Iso Issue

Finalizing 3D Model & Clash Checking

Final PID Checking

Final Iso & IFC Issue

Change ---> After Stress & Support

Change ---> After Isometric Issue

Change ---> Minor Changes


3 last tasks is for managing changes in the Line Number and actually they are not Step of work and they can be done after every task task in all stage of the project.


The CheckList-Button button will be activated when user select a task title and then by clicking it, user can see something like a procedure or a check list which is required to do the current task. These procedure can be added or modified from here just by Lead Engineer or from iDEES Administration by using Tasks Title & Weight Progress Revise . The following form has been appear:




Status* : Status of current task in the mentioned duration specified in the right side of form.

It can be selected from the following list:




Normally user just use 'Completed' or 'In Progress' for their normal tasks.

When the current task can not been finished today, user should select 'In Progress' then in the field ' % Complete* ', must fill up the percent of completeness of current task (based on his/her judgment & rough estimation). This percentage may be completed tomorrow or six months later, it is depend on the situation.

The only status which is calculated in the progress of Line Numbers, is 'Completed' status, so when a task remain 'In Progress' it means that task has no effect on the progress.

Attachments : This field is not mandatory but it is very useful to attach any kind of documents as proof of doing the current task. for usual task it is not required but when a user do a task as per an unusual way, it is better to attache all evidences to make a good record of them. These evidences can be an email from Lead engineer or a revised P&ID which has been changed recently by Process Dept. and it makes so many changes in some pipe routes for example.

Description : This field is not mandatory but it is very useful to describe about some unusual task. User can explain more about the reason of the current task.

OS User : This field shows current Windows Logon User (Local or Network). Users must note that OS user and exact time of any changes in iDEES, are saved in the database and can be reviewed by Admin.

Priority* : This field is mandatory but not applicable here so by default, it filled up by '(2) Normal'.

Date* : This is the date of current task which is normally is today by default. if user need to change the date, it can be written there or by selecting date from beside button Date-Button . ( The button Date-Button appears when user click inside the field.)

Due Date : This field is not mandatory and user can use it for ' Not Started ', ' Deferred ' or ' Hold ' status and determine specific date to start or removing Holds ... . This field remains empty by default.


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