In tenders, because there is not any 3D model, one of the main and important activities, is to take off MTO form the P&IDs. Normally some designers take off Pipes and Elbows from the P&IDs and based on plot plans and their imagination and also experiences(if they do not decide to provide a preliminary 3D model for major lines) and some other users take off all other fittings and valves from P&IDs separately.

By this tool in iDEES, users can insert relevant data in a database shared on the network and also with some restriction on the form, they just can insert data with a unique format, so at the target date, minimum man-hours may be spent to collect all MTOs.

This tool includes two type UI, Form and Data Sheet (as List) , both of them can be used simultaneously and in Tender List, users can behave like MS Excel to copy & paste rows.

Finally , after tender, if company win the project, this form and its result can be used as a first MTO to speed up the procurement process.

, each user must fill up his/her MS Excel file and then a responsible user must collect them and combined them and generate final report. In this way, experience shows that so many problems occurred when combining MTOs, because different users fill up with different concept and typography, so combining those separate files is time consuming process.

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