This form is used to define which UDA can be filled by which value from Line List or from Isometric Index or a text value. The following snapshot shows this form:


By this button, all UDAs of PIPE for Active Profile(see here) will be collected in the related list   3  .


By This key user can export name of all UDAs into a new text file which will be opened automatically after request of saving path.


This list shows all collected UDAs by using key   1   .


In this list, user can select that each UDA must be filled by which field from the Line List. User can select any Line List filed from drop-down   8   .


In this list, user can select that each UDA must be filled by which field from the Iso Index List. User can select any Iso Index filed from drop-down   9   .


In this list, user must type any text to fill up related UDA by that if it is required.


If user does not want change value of UDA, this option must be selected. This is default choice for all UDAs.


In this drop-down, user can see all fields of Line List and can select them one by one for each UDA in the list   3   .


In this drop-down, user can see all fields of Iso Index and can select them one by one for each UDA in the list   5   .


After setting up all UDAs with Line List fields or Iso Index fields or a text, user can save all these setting in a XML in any path. This can help user to recover all of these settings every time they are required.


By this key, user can restore all settings which are saved in a XML file.

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