In the Engineering page of iDEES Configuration Form, there are some settings which is accessible just by Lead user. When Lead user login into the iDEES, he/she can see all these options enabled. The following image shows this page
This option shows Lazy users Form when lead user logins to the iDEES. By this hint, lead user can see which users have not done any tasks in seven last days, so he/she can make some decision based on this hint every morning. |
This option shows Active users Form when lead user logins to the iDEES. By this hint, lead user can see which users have done any tasks with number of tasks and their durations in seven last days, so he/she can make some decision based on this hint every morning. |
This option shows Lazy users Form when Top Managers login to the iDEES. By this hint, Top Managers can see which users have not done any tasks in seven last days, so he/she can make some decision based on this hint every morning. |
This option shows Active users Form when Top Managers login to the iDEES. By this hint, Top Managers can see which users have done any tasks with number of tasks and their durations in seven last days, so he/she can make some decision based on this hint every morning. |
This option shows Lazy users Form when Sub Leads login to the iDEES. By this hint, Sub Leads can see which users have not done any tasks in seven last days, so he/she can make some decision based on this hint every morning. |
This option shows Active users Form when Sub Leads login to the iDEES. By this hint, Sub Leads can see which users have done any tasks with number of tasks and their durations in seven last days, so he/she can make some decision based on this hint every morning. |
This option shows a form like the following to show any user, his/her uncompleted job (assigned in the Assigned Jobs & Planning) when login into the iDEES. This is useful reminder and helps users to see their planned jobs and done them according to priority and dead lines: When user click OK, he/she see the Assigned Jobs & Planning form and then he/she can see all uncompleted jobs there. As mentioned at the end of this option, by this option, lead user can activate this reminder for all users. |
If a profile defined in the AVEVA Configuration form, and by this option, iDEES, when lead user or PDMS Admin users login, check the MAC folder of PDMS/E3D folder and if any macro exist there, the following reminder will be shown to lead user or PDMS Admin users and they or PDMS admin can manage those Inter-DB Macros from PDMS/E3D or iDEES (see here for more details). |
Normally power users (General users in iDEES) do not need to have access to delete or archive tasks. Just Admin user can delete tasks and Lead & Admin users can archive tasks(see Archive Selected Task). By this option, Lead user can give the mentioned permission to all power users so they can archive any tasks but not delete as well. |
Normally power users (General users in iDEES) do not need to have access to create Multi Items New Task. Just Lead user can create this kind of tasks. By this option, Lead user can give the mentioned permission to all power users so they can create any multi tasks. |
When user create a new task for any item like Line Numbers, the priority of tasks must be followed normally. In iDEES considering task priority is not mandatory but by this option user see extra hint to consider task priority. It means, for example, 'Stress Analysis' task must be done after 'Primary Stress Modeling' task in the New Piping Task and user create a 'Stress Analysis' task before creating 'Primary Stress Modeling', so then after saving new task, the following message will be shown to user to hint him/her that 'Primary Stress Modeling' task have been ignored: |
When user create a new task for any item like Line Numbers, the priority of tasks must be followed normally. In iDEES considering task priority can be mandatory by this option. Users see extra hint to consider task priority and they are not allowed to save any more. It means, for example, 'Stress Analysis' task must be done after 'Primary Stress Modeling' task in the New Piping Task and user create a 'Stress Analysis' task before creating 'Primary Stress Modeling', so then after pressing Save and New button, the following message will be shown to user to hint him/her that 'Stress Analysis' task have not been saved: |
In the New Piping Task & New Spec Task , there is a section for review of tasks. When a reviewer fill up this section after review, an automatic email will be sent by MS Outlook to the task originator based on the review. By this option, when the email have bee sent, a copy of that (CC) will be sent to Lead user as well. |
In the iDEES there are several tools hat send automatic emails. Those email can be sent in background without hinting user or can be seen by user before sending. By this option, all those automatic emails will not be sent and will be displayed to user for any modification or confirmation. |
Master Document Form Responsible User |
Normally just Lead user can add/remove or handle Master Documents . By this option Lead user can select another user (Just one user) from available next drop-down which can add/remove or handle Master Documents Form. |
Profile for Auto RVM Generation |
Normally if this field was empty, iDEES in the Review File Creation (NAVIS) generates RVM by using of Active Profile (AVEVA Configuration) but when Admin or Lead user select a profile from this list, iDEES uses this profile for this aim. |
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